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The Seminar Zero Homelessness in Finland will launch the project “Housing First – Innovation in Solving the Problem of Chronic Homelessness” implemented by international partnership led by the Cooperation Fund Foundation
moreAdam Bodnar has adviced the Minister for Family, Labor and Social Policy on how to improve Polish national homeless counts. The counts are conducted biannually, next one planned in early 2017.
moreThe Seminar Zero Homelessness in Finland will launch the project “Housing First – Innovation in Solving the Problem of Chronic Homelessness” implemented by international partnership led by the Cooperation Fund Foundation
moreAdam Bodnar has adviced the Minister for Family, Labor and Social Policy on how to improve Polish national homeless counts. The counts are conducted biannually, next one planned in early 2017.
more“It is my dream to see the development of the “Housing First” programme on the national scale, and we need to exercise all efforts to see it happen” said Adam Bodnar in introduction to final publication from Housing First – Evidence based Advocacy Project by the Ius Medicinae Foundation.
moreMost of the 186 people who took part in the seminars and conference of “Housing First – Evidence based Advocacy” Project (NMROD) are convinced that HF needs to be implemented in Poland.
moreThis article was drawn up on the basis of the expert opinion entitled “Support for the chronically homeless experiencing mental illness in compliance with Housing First principles” (Lech 2015) prepared as a part of the “Housing First – Evidence-Based Advocacy” (HFEA) project run by Fundacja Ius Medicinae. The opinion was focused on the determination of possibilities for the provision of specialist support consistent with the Housing First principles as a part of the Polish community psychiatry system.
moreSummary of an analysis of the largest Polish dataset on the homeless population, generated as a result of the Sociodemographic Study conducted by the Ministry of Family, Labour, and Social Policy (MRPiPS) during the National Homeless Count carried out on 7/8 February 2013. Analysis provided results in two areas: chronic homelessness and methodology of a socio-demographic study. According to the adopted definition, the chronically homeless in Poland, referred to as the “target group” for the purposes of the analysis, constitute 19% of the adults covered by the sociodemographic study (5,338 persons: 4,926 (23%) adult men and 412 (10%) adult women).
moreThe Clifford Chance through Pro Bono Centre conducted a study to look for costs of lawsuits of chronically homeless people whose situation was researched during Exploratory Qualitative Research of Interactions with Institutions conducted within Housing First – Evidence Based Advocacy Project.
moreIn one of the studies conducted during NMROD project, we have checked the pathways of 17 chronically homeless people through institutions. Most of our respondents met the profile of a “Housing First” (HF) programme client (determined on the basis of Housing First Guidebook by Sam Tsemberis). All collected data is presented to you so that you can examine the case of each individual separately. Please take a look at the history of our respondents here:
moreMajority of presentations were prepared in Polish language and interpreted simultaniously for the audience. Some are available in English including Key Principles for HF, data on Chronic Homelessness in PL and Scattered Training Apartment Program Evaluation.
moreIn 2013, the Sociodemographic Survey of Homeless People conducted during National Homeless Count recorded 1628 children that accompanied their parents classified as homeless. The collected data include their sex, age, housing situation, and the communes (“gminas” – basic administrative units) where they stayed.
moreAlthough, in Poland dominating services providing roof over homeless people’s heads are nightshelters and shelters, there are quite a few examples of housing led initiatives. Some were presented during “Ways out of Homelessness” Partners Meeting in Warsaw and their descritpions are now available online.
Keyword for Polish homelessness policy is “exiting homelessness – wychodzenie z bezdomności”. According to official data published by the Ministry of Family Labor and Social Policy support system for exiting homelessness consists of 600 night shelters and shelters used by over 21 thousand people each night. Inhabitants …
Social workers, managers, advocates, researchers and peer experts from Bukarest, Budapest, Prague, Brno, Ostrava, Warsaw, Pomiechówek, Łódź and Radom will meet on 17th to 19th of February to learn and discuss housing led practices in homelessness policy in Poland.
This analysis examines the possibilities of the acquiring of the appropriate housing stock for the purposes of the “Housing First” programs in Poland. The author Aleksandra Różycka has checked in what way principles of the HF program could be satisfied if various housing resources (including those belonging to private owners, communes, the State Treasury, Social Housing Associations and those obtained under the protected housing formula) are used.
moreSalvation Army in Iceland was the partner organization in Housing First – Evidence based Advocacy Project. Its leader shared her opinion on implementation of Housing First Programme in her country.
more“This report is on homelessness in Iceland. The objective is to shed light on this social issue in the society and on the political policy regarding the homeless. In Iceland, homeless people have for long been living on the fringes of society, without housing and with limited human rights. Homelessness has thus involved social exclusion. In the last decade, awareness of the homeless situation has increased within the municipal governmental body in Reykjavík.”
Matthildur Sigurgeirsdottir
“It’s simply inhumane that in XXI century people who are sick have to live on the streets even though we have tools to provide them professional and effective assistance – says Julia Wygnańska, project coordinator. Read more…
moreIus Medicinae Foundation toghether with two partner organizations Camilian Mission of Social Assistance and Salvation Army in Iceland are implementing the project titled „Housing First – Evidence based Advocacy” which was awarded a grant in a Citizens for Democracy Programme financed under European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and operated by The Batory Fundation in Poland.
moreCMSA uses an electronic database to collect information on persons using any forms of support offered by our organisation, such as a stay in St. Lazarus Social Boarding House, monitoring and support for the independent former inhabitants, stay in a training flat and street work. Records include the basic demographic data, and core variables on homelessness (according to MPHASIS)
moreIt is a challenge to clearly report effectiveness of the shelter for the homeless. In Poland shelters differ between each other and provide services of individually defined scope. Majority of them is run by non-profit organizations partially funded by local government. They act in different local settings and have to adjust to specific conditions and needs. People who stay in them have experienced very different living situations and have various support needs.
moreIn CMSA, we beleive that eventhough it is diffucult to make clear judgements on effectiveness of our services because of many reasons, it is very much possible to show our performance in a transparent way so that everyone can make her/his own judgement. Our performance is not only number of beds, meals, cloathing provided and social workers, councelors, psychologists employed. It is the situation of people who use our services. This is why we created a Template for Quantitative Report of the Shelter for
moreCamilian Mission of Social Assistance published the Position on the approach to measuring the scale of homelessness and housing exclusion used by the Polish Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. In our view, this approach needs to be reviewed because it gives unreliable results, is inconsistent with European recommendations, neglects the capacity of service providers, and fosters stereotypes on homelessness. We put forward four postulates
moreProjekt realizowany przez lidera Fundację Ius Medicinae oraz partnerów Kamiliańską Misję Pomocy Społecznej i Armię Zbawienia w Islandii w Programie Obywatele dla Demokracji finansowanym ze środków EOG