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The Clifford Chance through Pro Bono Centre conducted a study to look for costs of lawsuits of chronically homeless people whose situation was researched during Exploratory Qualitative Research of Interactions with Institutions conducted within Housing First – Evidence Based Advocacy Project.
One of the goals of the Housing First – Evidence based Advocacy Project was gathering evidence based arguments that Housing First Programs in Poland are cost effective for certain group of people who are chronically homeless as in their case traditional attitude costs more. During the research, we were able to identify over 1200 interventions of various institutions towards seventeen potential Housing First clients in Exploratory Qualitative Research of Interactions with Institutions, however majority of institutions rejected to evaluate costs of interventions due to lack of financial data.
The Clifford Chance managed to establish avarage costs of lawsuits of potential HF clients in Poland.
“On the basis of source materials concerning the expenses of the State Treasury incurred on the administration of justice in 2015, we determined the following data concerning the average cost of proceedings of the same type as the proceedings which, as resulted from Documents, involved the Respondents:
We also show that the average cost of a case conducted in a general court in Poland in 2015 was approximately 232 EURO (1,016.51PLN).
The average cost of the proceedings referred to above was determined on the basis of the average duration of a court case, which is not always tantamount to the actual duration of a concrete case. The duration of a court case is closely connected to its circumstances – therefore, whether we want it or not, the averaged estimation will not be adequate in relation to all cases.
As shown above, the cost of criminal proceedings involving the Respondents was in our opinion higher than the average cost specified in item (ii) above. This is because in criminal cases involving Respondents it was necessary to take additional actions in relation to Respondents as stipulated by the law (in the course of criminal proceedings involving Respondents, psycho-legal opinions are often issued and public defenders are often appointed for Responders). The actions involved in these stages of the proceedings prolonged the duration of the criminal proceedings involving the Respondents and thus increased their average cost. We also show that according to our estimates, the above actions increased the cost by 114 EURO (500PLN) on average, which resulted from the fact that they prolonged criminal proceedings in the district courts by about 2 months.”
The report was prepared by the Clifford Chance, Janicka, Krużewski, Namiotkiewicz i wspólnicy spółka komandytowa in March 2016 through Pro Bono Centre in Warsaw
Projekt realizowany przez lidera Fundację Ius Medicinae oraz partnerów Kamiliańską Misję Pomocy Społecznej i Armię Zbawienia w Islandii w Programie Obywatele dla Demokracji finansowanym ze środków EOG