Nowy Portal Najpierw Mieszkanie

Zapraszamy na najpierwmieszkanie.org.pl. To portal poświęcony wartościom, systemom i programom Najpierw Mieszkanie. Portal Najpierw Mieszkanie jest prowadzony przez Fundację Najpierw Mieszkanie Polska przez osoby, które stworzyły i prowadziły stronę czynajpierwmieszkanie.pl., która niniejszym staje się stroną archiwalną. Dziękujemy, że byliście z nami tutaj i czekamy na Was w nowym miejscu!   

Nowy Portal Najpierw Mieszkanie
Zapraszamy na najpierwmieszkanie.org.pl. To portal poświęcony wartościom, systemom i programom Najpierw Mieszkanie. Portal Najpierw Mieszkanie jest prowadzony przez Fundację Najpierw Mieszkanie Polska przez osoby, które stworzyły i prowadziły stronę czynajpierwmieszkanie.pl., która niniejszym staje się stroną archiwalną. Dziękujemy, że byliście z nami tutaj i czekamy na Was w nowym miejscu!       

Conference Housing and Support: Sustainable Way Out of Homelessness, Warsaw, 19th of February 2016

Keyword for Polish homelessness policy is “exiting homelessness – wychodzenie z bezdomności”. According to official data published by the Ministry of Family Labor and Social Policy support system for exiting homelessness consists of 600 night shelters and shelters used by over 21 thousand people each night. Inhabitants share bunk bed, locker, table and sink for many months being overlooked by social workers and longer term inhabitants. Widespread condition for keeping the roof over their head is abstinence – the main cure for alcohol dependency which is declared by over 30% of this population. 44% of people counted in 2013 as users of services for the homeless declared being homeless for more than 5 years.

The goal of the conference was to emphasize housing led solutions in exiting homelessness: Social Rental Agencies, Housing First, training and supported apartments as well as client driven attitude to supporting people, harm reduction, recovery and human rights. Polish housing led practices and adaptations of popular European instruments were presented as well as results of the research on chronic homelessness and mental disorders among users of homeless services in Warsaw and case studies of institutional pathways of chronically homeless people with dual diagnosis. Some hints on potential implementation of Housing First programs were given – up to date there is no HF program in the country although some local communities tried.

The conference was organized on 19th of February 2016 by the Ius Medicinae Foundation and Habitat for Humanity Poland under the auspices of Polish Commissioner for Human Rights dr Adam Bodnar. It was funded within the EEA framework through Citizens for Democracy Program.

pROGRAM and Speakers chairs and volunteers and Presentations



Maria Jose Aldanas, FEANTSAShe is a lawyer who until 2014 worked at Provivienda, a Spanish NGO aiming to facilitate access to adequate housing for disadvantaged groups. She represented her association in FEANTSA (member of the Housing Working Group from 2006-2014) and the FePsh, the Spanish platform of organizations working with the homeless. She is now working in FEANTSA coordinating a European project called “Housing First Guide Europe” along with the biggest authorities of the Program including Sam Tsemberis, Pathways to Housing and Nicholas Please, European Observatory on Homelessness. She takes part in strategic partnership “Ways out of Homelessness” dedicated to sharing experience and fostering housing solutions in Central Europe: Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Poland. She has a vast knowledge on Housing First program both in its original version as well as adaptations to local contexts. Coming from Spain and working with Central European partners she feels our souls and understands challenges we face.

Zasady “Najpierw mieszkanie” i kontekst Europy Centralnej
Key principles of Housing First in Central European Context

Ryszard Szarfenberg, PhD., Professor of the University of WarsawExpert of the Polish National Strategy of Social Integration, national expert of European Minimum Income Network. President of The Administrative Council of Polish Committee of European Anti-Poverty Network and Board Member of Polish Society for Social Policy. Member of Editorial Councils of Social Worker Library Series, Contemporary Social Policy and Social Policy Problems Quarterly. Author of many publications on social policy, public policy, social services, evaluation, European and international social policy, poverty, social exclusion and welfare.

Rynek prywatnego najmu jako instrument socjalnej pomocy mieszkaniowej
Social Rental Agencies in Poland – Using Privately Owned Housing for Social Housing Goals

Julia Wygnańska, “Housing First – Evidence Based Advocacy” Research and Project Coordinator at the Ius Medicinae FoundationAs a researcher and advocate she is committed to the idea of policy-oriented research and evidence based advocacy. She attempts to reinforce the knowledge of homelessness and housing exclusion to stakeholders in Poland, presenting the world’s best practices and initiating innovative programs to support people experiencing marginal housing situations. In 2004-2009 she was a member of the European Observatory on Homelessness FEANTSA. In 2015 she joined the Expert Group on Homelessness Prevention of Councilor for Human Rights in Poland.

Bezdomność chroniczna w Polsce – pobierz
Chronic Homelessness in Poland – download

Balázs Németh, Budapest Methodological Centre of Social Policy BMSZKIHe started working with the homeless as a 21 year old student and worked with homeless men, women and couples since then. For five years he worked in a hostel for elderly homeless people. Currently he works as a professional team leader in Budapest Methodological Centre of Social Policy and it’s Institutions. His team works with homeless people in two hostels in the capital and cooperates with the Single Room Occupancy House. He graduated as a Teacher of Hungarian language and literature, and history (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2002), as a public administration manager (Corvinus University, Budapest, 2006) and as a social worker (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2011).
Jerzy Radziwiłł, Independent ConsultantIndependent consultant with years of experience in project management and evaluation. He graduated from the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw (1974-1979) and a postgraduate MBA (The Warsaw School of Economics and the University of Minnesota, 1997-1999). His main areas of interest include project management, evaluation, social research, local development, rural development, disability and social exclusion, the social economy, European funding and activities of NGOs and local governments. He also has experience in corporate management, optimization of manufacturing processes and headcount analysis. He is an active member of the Polish Evaluation Society. In 2014 he conducted an evaluation study of the Program of Scattered Training Flats implemented by the Camillian Mission for Social Assistance.

Porównanie Program Rozproszonych Mieszkań Treningowych ze schroniskiem na przykładzie Kamiliańskiej Misji Pomocy Społecznej
Scattered Training Apartments Program and Homeless Hostel – Comparative Evaluation based on an example of Camillian Mission for Social Assistance

Janusz Sukiennik, Specialist for Social Projects in Caritas PolandLawyer and journalist. He is the creator and leader of innovative program for exiting homelessness and overcoming substance dependency “We’ll make it”. He is interested in methods of social rehabilitation of men in particular men exiting homelessness and leaving penitentiary institutions. His other field of interest is social economy as a tool for supporting excluded people.

“Damy Radę” Program Mieszkań wspieranych Caritas Polska
“We’ll make it” Supported Housing Program by Caritas Poland (program description)

Aleksandra Różycka, Expert of the “Housing First – Evidence Based Advocacy” ProjectPractitioner of providing housing support to excluded groups and author of analyses in that field. Her special interest is in homelessness prevention, supported housing and instruments of housing policy in compliance with subsidiary role of public bodies and market mechanisms. Head of Local Housing Stock Department in one of the districts of Warsaw.

Dostępność zasobów mieszkaniowych dla programów mieszkaniowych adresowanych do osób bezdomnych
Access to housing stock for Housing First Programs in Poland

Katarzyna Lech, Community Therapy Specialist, Psychotherapist, Balint Groups Leader, PR SpecialistShe engages in activities of multiple organizations including Polish Psychiatric Society, International Society for the Psychological Treatment of the Schizophrenias, Polish Balint Association and Polish Institute of Psychodramma. She a Secretary to the Board of Research Section for Community Psychiatry and Rehabilitation of Polish Psychiatric Society and Board Member of Polish Association for Psychological and Social Attitude to Psychoses. She is an advocate for community psychiatry and expert in the “Housing First – Evidence based Advocacy” Project.

Wsparcie dla osób chronicznie bezdomnych z doświadczeniem choroby psychicznej według zasad „Najpierw mieszkanie” w ramach polskiego systemu psychiatrii środowiskowej
Specialist Support for Potential Housing First Clients in Poland – Feasibility Study

Sylwia Gregorczyk-Abram, advocate, Clifford ChanceShe focuses on litigation, criminal law and medical law. She is in charge of the pro bono activity of law firm Clifford Chance, Janicka, Namiotkiewicz, Krużewski i wspólnicy sp.k. She has worked on a regular basis for many years with social organisations and initiatives that are attempting to bring about systemic changes and organises financial support for them. She is active for the Association for Legal Intervention [Stowarzyszenie Interwencji Prawnej], the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, Nobody’s Children Foundation [Fundacja Dzieci Niczyje], Ashoka – Innovators for the Public Good Foundation [Fundacja Ashoka Innowatorzy dla Dobra Publicznego], and many others.

Koszty wymiaru sprawiedliwości w badaniu ścieżki instytucjonalnej osób chronicznie bezdomnych
The costs of lawsuits in case studies of institutional pathways of chronically homeless people

Adam Ploszka, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, Expert Group on Preventing Homelessness at the Commissioner for Human Rights in PolandHe is an author of publications and articles on human rights including homelessness and human rights as well as an active advocate for better implementation of human rights in Poland. He is a PhD student at The University of Warsaw Law and Administration Faculty.

Bezdomność a prawa człowieka
Homelessness and Human Rights

Comment from the representative of The Municipality of Warsaw
Comment from the representative of the Polish Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy (not arrived)
Ks. Stanisław SłowikPresentations:
Usługa mieszkaniowa na drodze wychodzenia z bezdomności wg Modelu Gminny Standard Wychodzenia z Bezdomności
Housing Services on the Way out of Homelessness according to Model of Local Standards for Exiting Homelessness

Organizatorki i organizatorzy

Igor Grzesiak, Wiceprezes Fundacji Ius Medicinae, Członek Zarządu Instytutu Praw Pacjenta i Edukacji ZdrowotnejInitiator and coordinator of national advocacy campaigns for the promotion of health. He coordinated big projects funded within Citizens for Democracy and Swiss Contribution NGO Fund. He is responsible for organization of Global Day of Patients and Leader’s Forum of Patient’s Organizations. He is also a member of the Supervisory Board of the Camillian Mission for Social Assistance and Program Council for the Coalition Against Diabetes. He cooperates with National AIDS Center. He graduated from the Management Faculty at the University of Warsaw.
Dorota Marchlewska, Life Skills Workshop at „The Partners Support Center” of The Open Door AssociationShe worked as an assistant at “Wola Pilot Project on Information Systems in Homeless Shelters” by The Foundation for Social Innovation and Research “Shipyard” in 2010. She also worked in EQUAL Project on „Partnership for Labor Integration of the Roma Community through Social Economy” administered by the International Organization for Migrations. She organized over twenty conferences for local government representatives in Local Government
Boróka Fehér, Leader of the Policy Department of the Budapest Methodological Centre of Social Policy (BMSZKI)She has been working with homeless people in Hungary since 1999. BMSZKI is the homeless service provider of the City of Budapest, She is a senior lecturer at the Károli Reformed University Institute of Social Work and Diaconia. For several years she was an elected representative member of Tizek, the umbrella organization of homeless service providers in Budapest. She is a member of “The February 3rd Research Team”, carrying out the only annual survey among homeless people in Hungary. Her field of special interest is narrative therapy and participative ways of working. She holds a PhD in Social Work and Social Policy.

Evaluators – volunteers

Katarzyna Chotkowska, volunteer evaluator of „Housing First – Evidence based Advocacy”Graduate of bachelor and master studies in Social Policy at the Institute for Social Policy at the University of Warsaw and master studies in Psychology at the Academy of Special Education named Maria Grzegorzewska in Warsaw. Currently works as a therapist in a supported house for people suffering from mental illnesses and is a member of the project team in the Coalition for Support of People with Mental Diseases. Member of the Board of the Institute of Public Policy. Associated with environmental non-governmental organizations, among others, Foundation ITAKA – Centre for Missing People, Capuchin Foundation named blessed Anicet Koplinski, the Foundation “Good Development” and the Association of Friends and Families of People with Mental Disorders “BRIDGE” in Bródno.
Martyna Kalicka, volunteer evaluator of „Housing First – Evidence based Advocacy”Board Member of the Foundation Institute for Public Policy and Resarch Council Solidaritatis. She is engaged in projects of The Association for the Production of Movies “Cotopaxi”. She holds a nasters degree of Social Policy from The Insitute of Social Policy of The University of Warsaw. Currently she is a PhD student of Public Policy at the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science at the University of Warsaw.

Projekt realizowany przez lidera Fundację Ius Medicinae oraz partnerów Kamiliańską Misję Pomocy Społecznej i Armię Zbawienia w Islandii w Programie Obywatele dla Demokracji finansowanym ze środków EOG