Zapraszamy na To portal poświęcony wartościom, systemom i programom Najpierw Mieszkanie. Portal Najpierw Mieszkanie jest prowadzony przez Fundację Najpierw Mieszkanie Polska przez osoby, które stworzyły i prowadziły stronę, która niniejszym staje się stroną archiwalną. Dziękujemy, że byliście z nami tutaj i czekamy na Was w nowym miejscu!
The project “Housing First – Evidence based Advocacy” (HFEA) offered evidenced-based advocacy for a change in attitudes towards support systems for severely excluded people who live ‘in the streets’ and do not use any social services. Evidence of the problem was collected through desk research based on data of accumulated by those who provide support to this group (extent of the problem, real cost of the problem, stakeholders’ attitudes) and disseminated in consultation seminars and conferences, websites and online newsletters and paper publications. The goal was to create a foundation for implementing innovative ‘Housing First’ programmes successfully realized in the US and several EU Member States. The program was invented by S. Tsemberis from Pathways to Housing, N.Y.C., US. The project was implemented in a partnership combining experience in social campaigning, supported homeless people, knowledge-based advocacy and international co-operation.
Interview with the Project Coordinator on Citizens for Democracy website.
The goal of the project was gathering evidence based arguments that Housing First Programs in Poland are:
Research Reports and Publications in Polish including HF Guidebook by Sam Tsembersis and:
Summaries of research and studies in English
Polish Website
English Website
Facebook Fanpage “Najpierw Mieszkanie”
Case study on homelessness in Iceland “Home and being without”
Four Local Seminars of Homelessness Stakeholders in Radom, Ostrołęka, Pruszków, Warszawa
Conference “Housing with Support”, 19th of February 2016
Final publication electronic and printed “Najpierw mieszkanie w Polsce – dlaczego tak?” [Housing First in Poland – why yes?]
Flashmobs by Camilian Mission of Social Assistance „Homelessness is not a choice”:
Feasibility studies on access to housing and community psychiatry for potential HF programme in Poland
Evaluation of project events and attitude to Housing First idea conducted by external experts volunteers.
The project was implemented by The Ius Medicinae Foundation and two partners: Camillian Mission for Social Assistance and Salvation Army Iceland. It started in April 2014 and finished in 31st of March 2016. Project and Research Coordinator: Julia Wygnańska, Project Coordinator: Igor Grzesiak, contact: The website will be administered after that date.
The Ius Medicinae Fundation (IUS) was founded in 2011 by the doctor of law Dorota Karkowska. Its mission is to support human rights in public health sector by fostering creation of good law through research and advocacy initiatives. The Foundation issues opinions regarding existing acts, suggests neccessary changes and prepares its own proposals. It monitors the implementation of the right to proper health care by public health bodies by issuing regular reports on the rights of patients and how they are respected. Since 2011 The Fundation implemented two projects on Polish national level: an awareness raising campaign titled “The Rights of Patients – Your Rights” and self-regulating initiative among organizations gathering patients of the health care institutions titled “Ethical code of the Patients’ Organizations”. Both projects were funded through “Swiss Contribution”.
The Camillian Mission for Social Assistance (CMSA) is a Polish non-governmental organization with a Public Benefit Status. It was founded by Bogusław Paleczny, a charismatic Camillian monk, in 1991, within the structures of the Order of St. Camillus. Its mission can be summarized by the following quotation: “My Little children, let us not love in word, neither with the tongue; but in deed and truth (1J 3,18)”. CMSA supports women and men who are homeless or who are experiencing housing exclusion, are disabled, unemployed, mentally challenged, impoverished, elderly, formerly imprisoned, addicted to gambling, alcohol or other substances, as well as children and multiple children families. These groups are supported by high quality services in line with modern solutions, European recommendations, and catholic social science. In 2014 Mission runs following programmes: St Lazarus Boarding House, Scattered Training Apartments Program, Streetworking Program, KAB-el Activity Club, Research Cooperation and Transparency Advocacy Program.
In “Housing First – Evidence based Advocacy” Project, CMSA is responsible for research, local seminars of stakeholders and advocating for the HF idea.
Project „Housing First – Evidence based Advocacy” is co-funded by the Citizens for Democracy Program financed under European Economic Area Financial Mechanism.
Projekt realizowany przez lidera Fundację Ius Medicinae oraz partnerów Kamiliańską Misję Pomocy Społecznej i Armię Zbawienia w Islandii w Programie Obywatele dla Demokracji finansowanym ze środków EOG